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上面呢張圖,係中國舉重選手侯志慧贏咗金牌之後,《路透社》喺 Twitter 發嘅圖片。不過照片出街後,大陸網民指《路透社》故意用張咁醜樣嘅相,辱華。
China's Hou wins 49-kg weightlifting gold at Tokyo Olympics https://t.co/jyo1SSH3HM pic.twitter.com/4AcKYo2tun
— Reuters (@Reuters) July 24, 2021
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Among all the photos of the game, @Reuters has chosen this one, which only shows how ugly they are.
Don't put politics and ideologies above sports, and call yourself an unbiased media organization. Shameless.
Respect the spirit of #Olympics. https://t.co/FugQm9obGr
— Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka (@ChinaEmbSL) July 24, 2021
資料: HKFP
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