過去二十多年來,KK 一直醉心於山野之間,一雙鐵腳踏遍世界各地的山峰,參與過的比賽多不勝數。多年以來的點滴經驗,在日積月累之下,已匯聚成一套他專屬的越野教材。近年 KK 開班教學,便是將自己多年以來的心得悉數傳授給門下弟子。如今,他希望更進一步,向更多人分享自己的跑步心得。這次,就首先分享有關高原訓練及比賽的經驗之談。
香港的山峰雖多,但最高不過一千米。相反,外國的山峰卻是動輒便達2000米以上。相信許多人對於高原均有不少迷思及誤解。如何去克服高原上稀薄空氣所帶來的不適,便是一大難題。對此,KK 卻簡單以兩字答之曰:「適應。」
知易行難,到底實際上該如何適應呢? 事實上,KK 每年均會帶學生前往高原地區進行訓練,一方面既是讓學生親身體驗於高原地區越野,另一方面亦是讓自己藉此休息渡假。他時常告誡學生,於高原地帶訓練切忌操之過急。皆因每人的身體狀況不一,加上高原地區空氣稀薄,若剛到步便按往常速度訓練,往往容易發生意外。他又以潛水活動作例,假如潛水員一下子便潛至深處,身體便難以承受強大的水壓,令患上氣壓病的機會大增。潛水如是,高原越野亦如是。
KK 建議,剛接觸高原訓練的跑手,由2500米海拔開始做一些較為輕柔的訓練,以及將自己平日訓練的跑速減慢一半,增長訓練時間。待身體逐漸適應後,再慢慢加強難度。若訓練時發現嘴唇泛紫,面色蒼白,便代表身體出現缺氧狀況,需要再調整訓練強度。
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KK 亦再次提醒,切勿將高原越野神化,亦不要妄自菲薄。只要訓練有道,一般人亦能適應高原環境。故此,若有志於挑戰高原越野的跑手,不妨嘗試踏出第一步,迎接不一樣的山野競賽。
撰文: Paul Chong
Chapter Eight: Wild run fun-High altitude run
In the past twenty years, KK has put all his effort into trailrunning. He has joint a number of races around the world. Having gained a lot of experience, he has developed his unique trailrunning technique. In recent years, KK has started trailrunning courses and passed his knowledge to his students. Now, he wants to share his experience with more people. The first thing is about high altitude training and race experience.
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Although Hong Kong has many mountains, they are not higher than 1000 meters. In foreign countries, most mountains are over 2000 meters. Many people may have misconception and misunderstanding towards high mountains and ask how to overcome the altitude sickness caused by the thin air. To answer this, KK says, “Adapt to it”.
To know is easy, but to do is difficult. In fact, KK will take students to have high altitude training every year. It is to let students experience altitude training themselves, and it also allows him to take a break there. He always reminds students not to go too fast at high altitude as different people have different physical conditions. Plus, the air is thin there, accidents easily happen if people start their training using their usual routine. He made an example with diving. As a diver descends to the deep sea, his body cannot bear the water pressure from outside and the diver may fall ill because of the pressure. High altitude trailrunning training has got the same idea.
KK suggested that runners who are the beginners of high altitude running should start some gentle training at around 2500 meters above sea level. Runners can lengthen the training time but slow back down to half their usual running pace. When the body begins to adapt to the condition, the intensity of training can be increased. The training intensity has to be adjusted if the runners find that their lips go purple and face goes pale because it is the sign of hypoxia.
KK reminded runners not to take pride in high altitude trail running training. Many can adapt to it if the training is properly carried out. If runners love to try it out, go ahead and try to enjoy different races in the wild.
<By Paul Chong>