Fitz > 運動 Sports > 行山 Hiking > [KK Chan 毅行先生] 再戰毅行


二十多年來,KK 一直苦心鑽研越野之道,日常訓練一絲不苟,正是此等認真的態度令他在比賽中屢獲佳績。多年的訓練之下,他的雙腿早已適應各種山路,日行百里亦不在話下。但正如常人般,他亦曾經歷過肌肉疲勞、痠痛等苦不堪言的時刻。

1996年,KK 首次參與毅行者,成績出乎意料,為該年的全場第十名。衝線時的一刻他眼泛淚光,與隊友相擁而笑,一時樂不可支。然而,當天回到家後,疲憊、無力、痠痛感從身體各處洶湧而至,全身彷似不能動彈,連站直身子的氣力也沒有。直至翌日晚上,出席慶功宴時,身體依然乏力,甚至要扶著酒樓一旁的椅子,才能慢慢走進店內。那一刻,他決定以後不再參與毅行者,甚至一度打算放棄行山。

如是者,之後的幾個星期,KK 一直停止了他日常的行山活動。本以為他會就此和山野絕緣,但由於工作關係,他又再次接獲高山拯救任務。而在這一次的救援中,他發現自己在山路間行走時,比往常更加輕鬆。即便任務過後,肌肉也不覺疲勞痠痛。這種前所未有的感覺,令他明白,原來自己的越野之道不止於此,甚至可以走得更遠。於是,這種信念令他再一次重拾鬥志。

兩個月後,毅行者舉辦頒獎典禮,KK 與隊友們發現,原來比賽當日跑在他們跟前的隊伍,便是公務員組別的冠軍隊。他們心想,既然自己今年的成績僅僅在冠軍之後,何不嘗試挑戰此組別呢? 從那時開始,他們的目標便放於公務員組別的冠軍之上。

有了上一年的經驗,KK 深知若要做得更好,之後的訓練不能再如從前般草率,賽前的訓練必須認真以待,而且訓練的難度也要提升。因此,每當閒暇時,KK便會閉門研究、規劃之後的訓練路線,務求自己與隊員們能在每一次的訓練中獲得明顯的進步。於是,他們的訓練就此展開。

提及1997年間的訓練,KK 感觸最深的,便是7月1日過後的晚上。那夜之後,他們在由慈雲山至獅子山一帶的山路上遠眺,啟德機場上空卻再無飛機升降,繁榮熱鬧的九龍城也在一夜變得寂靜冷清。在山野的訓練之間,他們親身見證著時代的更替。

歷經一輪艱辛的苦練,終於在比賽中迎來成果。是年,KK 該隊正式改名為 Cosmoboys,於當年的毅行者中取得全場第三名,同時亦成為公務員組別的冠軍。然而,KK 可志不在此,毅行者的全場總冠軍,才是他心之所往。此後所要講述的,便是他毅行三連冠的奮鬥故事。

撰文: Paul Chong

KK Chan 毅行先生 Facebook 專頁

#ChapterSix: Back to Trailwalker

Swords become sharp weapons after being ground with fire repeatedly. For trail runners, their legs are the weapons that help them complete tasks in the wild. However, we are flesh and blood that cannot be ground with fire. Planning a proper training schedule that helps the muscle stand long and intense running task is the most challenging part for runners.

In these twenty years, KK has been studying the techniques of trail running. In every training, he puts all his focus on it and this attitude led him to success in many races. Despite the fact that his legs can adapt to different types of trails nowadays, he experienced muscle soreness and pain like everybody else as well.

In 1996, it was KK’s first Trailwalker and the result was surprisingly outstanding that they came in tenth. He got tears in his eyes and the team overjoyed and hugged together when they crossed the finish line. After returning home, fatigue, weariness and soreness went through the whole body and more seriously, he could not move and stand up properly. The next day at night, he was still very weary when joining a celebration dinner as he had to hold the chairs next to him to walk into the restaurant. At that moment, he decided not to join Trailwalker and hike anymore.

KK has stopped all the regular hiking plan for a few weeks. He thought that he would never hike again, but he had to carry out high mountain rescue at work. During the rescue, he found that walking on the trail became easier than before. Even after the rescue, there was no more muscle soreness or pain. This unprecedented feeling told him that he could go a long way on trail running. Then, he buckled up and restarted again.

Two months later, KK and his team joint the Trailwalker Prize Presentation Ceremony. They discovered that the team which was just in front of them at the race was the Champion in the civil servant group. They asked themselves, “why shouldn’t we try to race in this group the next year when we were just after them this year?” From then on, their target has changed and focused on the champion in this civil servant group.


With the past experience, KK understood that he had to plan precisely and increase the difficulty of the training. Therefore, he used his free time to study and plan the training routes in an attempt to help the team achieve significant progress in every single training. Here they started.

During the training in 1997, the one that moved KK most was the night on the 1st July. After that night, looking out from Tsz Wan Shan and the Lion Rock, you could no longer see the planes landing or taking off. Bustle and hustle Kowloon City became lonely and empty. When travelling in the wild, they witnessed the change of times in person.

After going through tough training, there were fruits in the race. They named their team officially Cosmoboys and they got the 2nd runner-up in that year and the champion in the civil servant group at the same time. Yet, KK had another ambition beyond this – the champion in Trailwalker. The following will be the story about him getting the champion three years running in Trailwalker.

By Paul Chong
