馬拉松世界紀錄保持者 Eliud Kipchoge,2019年10月創下2小時內完成42.195公里,人類史上最快的紀錄。這位被公認為歷來最偉大的馬拉松選手,在疫情下沒有比賽的日子仍然專注訓練,早前並於家鄉及訓練基地接受專訪,回顧他的經歷,談談將來的願景。
On Current Circumstances
“Many things have happened in the world, and things have changed. But I think people are realizing, if you focus, you can still do the unthinkable.”
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“If you look at what is happening now in the world with COVID-19, all of us – we are training in isolation. But COVID-19 cannot prevent all of us from going outside in the morning and running for fitness. So today, it’s about your mind, it’s about setting your goal, it’s about moving.”
On Tips to Stay Motivated
“Please, head out of your front door. Run, walk your dog. Let us make running our lifestyle. Let us make fitness our lifestyle.”
「我和家人會在早晨六點半起床,然後一起跑步20分鐘。是全家人一起跑。 」
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“My family, they are jumping out of their beds at 6:30. Then we run for 20 minutes. The whole family together.”
“Every day when I wake up I am focused on thinking positively, doing the right thing, and living in an honest way.”
“As you are training in isolation, as you are working in isolation – make your homes your offices, but also, make your homes your track. Whatever that means for you. If there is someone who is in total lockdown, maybe do some exercises on a treadmill, get a bike, move. If we practice together then we can make this world a good world and come out of this even stronger.”
「人生就像一場馬拉松,有平坦,也有起伏。現在,我們正處於起起伏伏的路段。我們應跳出固有思維,把困境視為挑戰,並完全接納它們。我相信全世界的運動員都已意識到,生活就像馬拉松 —— 也許今天很風光,但明天可能會很挫敗。尤其是在崎嶇起伏的道路,你會跑得很慢,甚至呼吸困難,因為真的很難!現在,我們正處於崎嶇不平的路段,我很開心有這樣的挑戰。但要注意,最重要的還是平安 —— 不僅是我和我的家人,還有我的粉絲們,甚至是全世界。」
“Life is like marathons. In marathons you have your flat courses, you have hilly courses, and the situation where we are now is a hilly course. We need to think outside the box. We need to think these are the challenges in life and accept them fully. I trust that all the sportsmen and women in the world have turned their minds to know that life is like marathon, where today you are up; tomorrow you are down, and especially in a hilly course you are running slowly and breathing heavily because it’s really hard! Right now, we’re on a hilly course and I am happy for the challenge. Priority #1 is safety. For me and my family, for all of my fans in the whole world, for the whole human family in the whole world.”
On His Goals
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“For now, I am truly focused on the safety of myself, the safety of my family, teammates, fans, our human family. I am training and maintaining fitness. So when the world returns, I am ready to go back and plan for the next race.”
On Runners Newly Joining the Sport
“Running is where we have freedom. If you want to be really free and enjoy your freedom, it’s in running. Running is where you can enjoy. Running is where you can actually think and get clarity on your ideas. Enjoy running and enjoy the freedom in running.”
“If you can, go outside and run, and know that COVID-19 fears cannot prevent you from freeing your mind. In fact, fitness is what makes a human being stable, and able to think well.”
資料: Nike