英國維珍航空老闆布蘭森 Richard Branson,係人都知佢好鍾意冒險,不過呢次差啲玩出禍。
66歲嘅Richard,喺英屬維爾京群島 Virgin Gorda 踩單車,以高速落斜,點知過路拱(hump)嗰陣成個飛咗落車,頭顱先著地(好彩有戴頭盔),而架單車仲飛咗落懸崖,消失無踪!
用佢嘅講法,就係:「I went flying head-first towards the concrete road, but fortunately my shoulder and cheek took the brunt of the impact, and I was wearing a helmet that saved my life…My bike went flying off the cliff and disappeared」。
究竟當時有幾高速?Richard Branson就講唔到,佢事後面部嚴重受傷,而靭帶亦有撕裂情況。不過以佢打不死性格,完全唔會當係咩一回事!仲話:
“My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you’re moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again. At least I’m practicing what I preach — though a little too literally!”
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Richard Branson,果然好嘢!
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