ITRA 繼2018年為 ITRA 積分 (即是 UTMB 分數或稱 Endurance) 稍作調整後,
先重溫一下2018年2月的 ITRA Point 改動,每個比賽會因應距離和總攀升計算 Effort Point (EP),根據統一指標決定 ITRA 積分。
毅行者得ITRA 4分
剛開始報名的毅行者 Effort Point 為144.8 (99.3公里及總攀升4550米,
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除了每個比賽的 ITRA 積分外 (0-6分),
在2019年5月的跑手能力積分 (Performance Index) 更新,主要圍繞加上比重於最近期比賽,
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來自 ITRA 網頁 FAQ 原文如下: FAQ Performance Index and Scoring
Is the way in which the Index of Performance is calculated changing?
In response to the wishes of the ITRA community and with a view to continuing to improve the tools provided, the way in which ITRA calculates the Performance Index is under constant review.
The latest major update (May 2019) sees the introduction of a phased (degressive) reduction in the value of a result over time: the older the result (within a period of 36 months), the less its weighting in calculating the Performance Index.
As a result of this latest update, the Performance Index is much more dynamic and can evolve, and the resulting rankings are a better reflection of immediate reality.
Does an earlier result have the same weighting as a more recent one within the period of 36 months?
No. In the latest update (May 2019), the calculation of the Performance Index includes an element of degressivity – the older the result, the less its weighting in calculating an Performance Index. Each result taken into account in calculating the Performance Index (general or by category) is now assigned a coefficient in accordance with the date of the race. For the first 12 months after a race, a result is given its full weighting in the calculation. After the first 12 months, the weighting of the result is progressively reduced. Using a negative coefficient that decreases every six months, the result still counts but its weighting in the calculation is reduced.
以 ITRA 最高積分 Jim Walmsley 為例,以舊有方法分數為951,
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而在 FAQ 中的跑手能力等級表 (Table of Rankings) 中的分數亦有變動,之前最高等級為 AAA,
來源: ITRA網站
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