由 Action Asia Events 主辦,11月13日起步嘅 Hysan Island Hike & Run,星期一晚於 Facebook 公佈最新比賽詳情,確認政府 (應為文化體育及旅遊局) 批准大會於檢查站派發香蕉。山賽「有蕉食」,稱得上是基本要求,但原來此「皇恩浩蕩」的安排,亦必須在「有條件」下進行。根據 Action Asia Events 原 post 所指:
Runners, if needed, are allowed to bring along their own food for eating during the race. The organiser will also provide bananas at the checkpoints for self-collection by runners. Runners are not allowed to consume the food within the checkpoint areas. They are required to eat alone at the race route and avoid talking while eating. Staff members will be deployed to remind runners to observe the above requirement.
- 參賽者可攜帶自己食物,在比賽時進食
- 當局容許大會在檢查站派發香蕉 (及食水),並由參賽者自取
- 檢查站範圍不准飲食
- 參賽者必須獨自在賽道上食蕉,並且避免談話
- 工作人員會喺現場提醒參賽者以上安排,不得胡亂食蕉
香港市民當然明白防疫為最高考慮,當局如此安排,係避免人群聚集減少病毒傳播。不過,為何越野賽有如此苛刻要求? 或者,我們永遠都沒有答案。
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