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都市傳聞是有人跟海明威打賭十元,買他不可以用六個字寫完一個故事,本來是兩個人的對賭,後來人人side bet,買定離手之後,他在一張餐巾上寫了:”For sale: baby shoes, never worn”。(放售,BB鞋,全新) 交給大家傳閱。這個可能是曠世最短的小說,六個字,隔著個 mon 都覺得痛。一對新簇簇的嬰兒鞋,從未著過,待售。本來的物主哪裡去?秒殺。
想看更多: 6個字令你眼淚失控崩堤
賽後『包膠』可以上千字,我在思考會不會有時 less is more,六個字去講跑步﹑跑山,言簡意賅。
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以下是節錄自2014 三月號的 Competitor magazine:
Marathon PR! In related news: Ow! 個人紀錄見報。
My run shoes are my therapists. 跑鞋是治療師。
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Runner’s dilemma: to wave or not? 揮不揮手? 難題。題外話,Stanley 店長就是因為揮手誤會給人 unfriend 同放在Facebook 公審。
Night of fun; run of regret.劈得多,跑得磨。
Post-run shower. Chafing revealed. Yikes! 長課,洗澡,慘叫。
Running friends can be like family. 愛跑便是一家。
Tonight’s big matchup: Hills vs. Couch 抉擇,捨「攤」取山。
Long run. Low fuel. Long walk. 長課,爆偈,步兵。
Morning run. Two poops. One dog’s. (晨課) 屎兩篤,狗一隻。
Rest day: time to be indulgent. 休息已是放縱。
Life’s meaning revealed at mile 21. 跑至頓悟人生 。
IT band massage. Pleasure and pain. 按摩又痛又愛。
Dog thinks I’m a salt lick. 「咸」跑友,狗零食。
Sunday morning: run and pancakes. Bliss. 長課為了班戟。(有一種幸福叫星期天長課後的班戟)
I run because I can. You? 跑,因為我可以。
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以下是節錄自 Smith Magazine:
Training run before the city’s awake. 你熟睡,我訓練。
– DynamicDbytheC
Feeling invisible. Everyone runs into me. 被隱形,被爬頭。
– maryjane31
Fingers running wild on the keyboard! 雙腳快如彈琴。
– Heem08
I want to run from myself. 我想跑出竅來。
– kikimiko
By running away I discovered myself. 跑步中,見真我。
– Miche
I’ve recently run out of words. 跑到無話可說。
– Believe
Heart is running my brain now. 身隨心跑起來
– livinginmymind
Veins running down wrists like tattoos. 靜脈勁似紋身。
– FaeNotMyName
Run-on sentences come to rolling stops. 再遠,都會完結。
– tonyglim
Running in place awaiting close date. 最期待,出現了。
– jene2008
In my dreams I run wild. 在夢中,我奔跑。
– Level1
Running from lust, Love caught me. 不用找,愛跑來。
Running out of distractions to heartache. 別讓紛擾跑進。
– 1111
If only you knew, you’d run. 跑過方能明白。
– Amapola
Running from parents, we became parents. 從細跑到大人。
– Mikuluk
Fear runs deep, hope runs deeper. 希望跑贏恐懼。
– Colywog
Slow runner, slow learner,fast lover. 跑得慢,愛得快。
– songwriter
Sing. Dance. Swear. Linger. Smile. Run. 邊跑步,邊唱歌。
– firefly15
這是我的最愛。 你能不中伏嗎?
When all else fails, start running 你還未試跑步。
– ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes
Running with music fuel my soul。
I’ll never do that again, maybe :)
Recovery really never ends, does it?
Keep this pace, PB for me。
Just get to finish line, Fxxk。
First race: I’m gonna run. That was fun!
First half marathon: I’m gonna die. Wow, Personal Best!
First marathon: WTF I am doing with it!
Easy run: I love running! This is awesome!
Speedwork: Dash. Dash. Dash. Done! I rock!
Go slow, find flow, now glow!
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