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我們的手和腳分別各有四個 corner,point 3和4主管外側肌肉,是我們最常用的;而point 1 同 2 主管內側肌肉,則是平常最易忽略但對平衡很重要。
1. Downward Facing Dog 下犬式
(Sanskrit: Ardho Mukha Svanasana)
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初級者:進入式子時,張開十隻手指,4個corner位穩穩的按在墊上,手腳伸直, 收緊肚皮,推坐骨上天,胸口沉低,放鬆頸部
Beginner: spread ten fingers wide, press 4 corners of hands and foot firmly on the mat, legs straight, arms straight, push sitting bone towards the sky and melt chest down, relax your neck and keep your neck long.
For regular practitioners going into the full position, apart from staying steady in the basic alignment, you will also need to widen shoulders, hollow armpits, curl your lower-back and firmly touch your heels on the mat.
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2. Cobra 蛇式
(Sanskrit: Bhujangasana)
手指打開,手掌在肋骨旁邊, 雙腳打開大概盆骨距離,保持頸伸長,打開胸口,肩膀捲後,夾實肩胛骨,手肘在身旁,收緊腹部、臀部和大腿肌肉,腳尖直,保持腳面在地上,眼望前上方
Spread ten fingers wide, palms next to rib cage, legs are hip width apart, keep your neck long. Roll shoulders back and down, squeeze shoulder blades. Keep elbows next to the body, push belly in, squeeze butt. Pack your thighs, point toes and keep the top of foot on mat and look forward.
3. Upward Facing Dog 上犬式
(Sanskrit: Urdha Mukha Svanasana)
Spread fingers wide, open your chest and throat, straighten arms under armpits, keep opening shoulders, curl lower back, squeeze shoulder blades, butt, thigh and shin, point toes and look up to the sky.
4. Low Lunge
Step left feet forward, right knee down, bend left knee, aligning the left knee over the left heel, sit your hips lower, lengthen your torso, open chest and throat, open arms up to sky, arms next to ears, suck your belly in, squeeze thighs and look forward or look up to sky
5. High lunge(Sanskrit: Anjaneyasana)
Similar to Low Lunge in 4, the difference between 4 and 5 is the back leg straight and off the mat, heel up to sky.
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6. Warrior 1 戰士式 1
(Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 1)
Right feet forward, bend knee to 90 degrees, back leg straight, firm your heel down and point to 45 degrees, front heel and back heel should be aligned. Square your hip, (open your shoulders wide, suck your belly in, pack your thighs) open your arms up to sky, join your palms together and look up. Alternatively you can open your arms up, arms next to ears and look to the front.
7. Warrior 2 戰士式 2
(Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 2)
和戰士式 1相同的是前腳曲起90度角,後腳都是直但戰士式2的後腳是平放,後腳凹位對齊前腳跟,打開手成一字形,推尾龍骨向前,收入肚皮,眼望前 (如圖,左腳踏前,頭望左前方)
Both warrior 1 and warrior 2 have front knee bend in 90 degrees. However in warrior 2, back leg is flag, the inner arch of back feet is aligned to the front heel, open your arms wide, press the tailbone slightly toward the pubis, turn your head to the left and look forward over the fingers.
8. Standing forward Bend 站立前彎式
(Sanskrit: Uttanasana)
Four corners of the foot firmly on the mat, pack your thighs and shin muscle, push your sitting bone up to the sky, suck your belly in. Ten fingers wide and firmly on the mat (or grab ankles as an option), push your forehead toward the shin, keep neck long and relax.
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Carol Yeung 楊焉@Fitz.hk
Fitz Yoga 瑜伽