Fitz > 運動 Sports > 健身 Fitness > [Side Plank 側棒] 鍛鍊核心 練出人魚線

更新日期: 06.10.2017

Side Plank「側棒」,主要針對斜腹肌 (Oblique) ,是鍛鍊人魚線之必練肌群,也是屬於核心訓練一種,可加強身體穩定性。

Step by step instructions for abs: With your weight supported on the elbow and side of the foot, lower your hips to the floor. (A) Lie on your side. Position yourself on your bottom elbow and the side of your foot. Lift your hips in the air, forming a straight line between your ankles, hips, and shoulders. Brace your abs and squeeze your glutes. Pause, and then return to the starting position. (B)


1. 側身躺下
2. 貼地的一邊,手部彎曲,撐起上半身
3. 腰部用力,全身離地,以腳部及單手支撐身體
4. 每組30秒,休息10秒做下一組,每日三組


1. 臀部不要向後拱
2. 身體保持挺直


其實,Side Plank 還有不少變奏版本,做得悶的話,不妨試試不同姿勢和難度,增加趣味:

Side plank with leg lift

Side plank with bent knee

Side plank pose

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