![[Cape Epic 2016] 決戰前夕 Rider Registration_f](https://fitz.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Cape-Epic-2016-決戰前夕-Rider-Registration_f-1024x768.jpg)
中文 by Fitz.hk
A beautiful sunrise woke us up this morning. This inspired Ken and I to go for a quick spin around town. It also gave us a final chance to make some small adjustments to the bike.
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After a lazy buffet breakfast it was time to walk over to the registration. As in previous years this was a fast and efficient process. The most important part was fitting the wrist band. Essentially this means you are now doing the 2016 ABSA Cape Epic. Also included was the number plate for the bike, number patch for jersey, tracker, a coupon for ZAR800 (HKD400) to spend at Woolworths (department store), tent key and a book of stickers with the ride profile for each day.
吃過懶洋洋的早餐過後,是時候出發登記了!根據以往的經驗,整個過程迅速而且簡單,最重要的環節是戴上手帶,因為一經成功,你就正式成為Cape Epic參賽車手了。另外附上的還有單車號碼牌、車手衫的號碼牌、追踪器、價值港幣400元的超市禮劵、車手營的鎖匙,以及貼紙每個賽站林林總總的相關貼紙。
![[Cape Epic 2016] 決戰前夕 Rider Registration_09](https://fitz.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Cape-Epic-2016-決戰前夕-Rider-Registration_09-1024x768.jpg)
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After that was the best bit where we go and collect our bike bags. Since 2014, the bag has been the Evoc Rover bag. This is a very high quality bag that will easily last years as a travel bag. Each bag has been customised with the rider number and “2016 Cape Epic”. A very unique and practical souvenir. In the bag were more goodies, such as a jacket from Columbia, a Cape Epic t-shirt, buff, sunscreen, large tub of Assos chamois cream, Assos slippers (yes there is such a thing!) and an Cape Epic baseball cap!
之後,我們就去到最有趣的部份 — 領取單車袋。自2014年開始,大會選用了非常耐用的 Evoc Rover bag,每一個單車袋,都印有車手的獨一無二的參賽號碼,所以實用之餘絕對是一份很好的紀念品!袋中還有不少好東西,例如風褸、T恤、太陽油、拖鞋(Assos的!)、棒球帽等等。
There were also some games to play, such as Dimension Data 30 second power challenge and plenty of things to try such as the Liquid Fruit juice and Woolworths coffee bar. We also had a chance to talk with Red Bull TV commentator, Rob Warner, who was being beamed from Europe via Dimension Data internet link.
登記場地還有不少遊戲和飲食攤位,我和鄭澤誠也和Red Bull的評述員Rob Warner交談過,在網上和歐洲觀眾say hi。
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Tomorrow the prologue starts – you can watch our progress around the course on http://www.cape-epic.com/fans/watch-from-home/live-rider-tracking and there may be live streaming on the Cape Epic website. Our start time is 8:42am (2:42pm HK time).
You can also send support messages to your favorite team at:
And enter some competition to win some prizes.
Look for my prologue race report tomorrow!
Fitz.hk Facebook專頁
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Fitz Cycling單車