Fitz > 運動 Sports > 行山 Hiking > [KK Chan 毅行先生] 第一篇 毅行先生

第一篇: 毅行先生

在香港,都市與自然只隔一步之遙。儘管都市八街九陌、高樓聳立,但就在喧囂的不遠處,卻有著連綿起伏的重巒疊嶂。近年,越來越多港人喜愛到郊外遠足,每逢假日,滿山遍野盡是人跡。然而,談到在山野上年資深厚,經驗豐富,門生又數之不盡的人物,相信離不開一個名字——「毅行先生」陳國強 (KK Chan)。






每至春和景明,毅行教室就會開展新一年的訓練,KK 親手種下一顆顆生機勃勃的種子,細心栽培,靜待其萌芽成長。到冬天,落葉枯黃,毅行者賽事完結,他見證著當初的種子在終點線前開花結果。春來秋往,年復一年的循環中,毅行精神就此一代代傳承下來。他就如起點旁的大樹,默默地蔭佑著往來的跑者,亦見盡二十多年來的毅行風景。要了解毅行精神,必先了解他的故事。因為他的人生,正為此寫下最佳註釋。

KK Chan 毅行先生 Facebook 專頁

Chapter One: Mr. Trailwalker

In Hong Kong, there is only a very narrow gap between city and nature. Not far from the bustle and hustle space with intersecting lanes and skyscrapers, you can easily find a range of high and low mountains. In recent years, more Hong Kong people love hiking during weekends. But when we talk about the most experienced hiker with lots of students, KK Chan (Mr. Trailwalker) must be the name popped up in your mind.

Having traveled for more than twenty years in the nature and lived for more than half century, KK had lots of life stories: from rescuing people from fire to walking miles in the mountains, from knowing nothing about trail running to winning three consecutive champions in Oxfam Trailwalker, from walking curving MacLehose Trail to venturing across the dusty Sahara Desert, from being a novice in trail running to planning routes for trail races one by one, from walking solo to having friends and students all over the mountains.

Going through the changes in Hong Kong, he bears one unchangeable motto in mind, “Seen the desperate in the mountains, inspired to turn the tide and save the day”. During his career life as a high angle rescuer, he has seen a lot of injuries and deaths and he deeply understands why they happened. When he began his trail running journey, he has joint different trainings and races in which he witnessed runners who had to quit the race with regrets because of injuries and pain.

Seeing too many helpless cases, he decided to make a difference by teaching all he learnt to others. Apart from advertising safety measures about hiking and promoting Oxfam Trailwalker, he even voluntarily teaches hiking courses for one single reason: spread the spirit of Trailwalker and let more people learn the joy in hiking.

Trailwalker Teaching Room starts its new year at the beginning of every spring. KK puts all his blood, sweat and tears to sow the seeds and wait till they bloom and grow. When winter comes and leaves turn yellow, it marks an end of Oxfam Trailwalker and he witnesses the seeds blossom right in front of the finish line of the event. Seasons come and go, the spirit of Trailwalker is passed from one generation to another. KK is like the shielding tree at the starting point and he has read stories about Trailwalker for more than twenty years. To understand what spirit of Trailwalker is, you better learn his story first as his life episode is exactly showing the spirit of Trailwalker.

